Public Relations & Social Media

Public Relations & Social Media

Generating powerful and meaningful coverage by aligning PR and social media activity

We craft strategically strong and creatively ingenious campaigns indexed against commercial objectives and entirely focused on reaching target audiences with Exocet precision. Communicated through well researched, well written, inspiring content creation, delivering holistic campaigns that generate results - justifying investment giving our clients an exponential return.

Brand Partnerships

Brand Partnerships

Reaching new customers and enhancing reputation.

There is measurable value in partnering with complementary brands to establish mutually beneficial marketing activities and campaigns. Spider has a far-reaching data-base of companies and individuals across a wide cross section of business, community and celebrity to create valuable brand partnerships.  With over 30 years of real business experience through owning fmcg brands and in working with a significant number of different companies, Spider is able to bring knowledge, contacts and commercial understanding to the table.

Content Creation

Content Creation

Clever creatives, crisp copy and captivating content

Content creation is a hybrid of editorial and advertising. It's purpose is to capture attention, deliver its message and drive a call to action. Through reading, clicking and double tapping and from ideation to publication. Spider creates content that strongly resonates with its audience in its competitive setting to generate interest and next steps.

Content that ladders up to match a client's commercial needs through an insight-driven programme. Spider provides pre and post channel analysis and competitor, audience, sector and landscape intelligence.

Crisis & Damage Limitation

Crisis & Damage Limitation

A dedicated social media and digital team working across multiple sectors

Through the years Spider has handled some of the most sensitive and delicate client crises. From factory closures to product recalls, from life and death situations to strikes and employment issues. From management at national and international level down to regional and local impact through traditional media channels, broadcast and the whole social media landscape.

Celebrity & Influencer

Celebrity & Influencer

Influencers - where they fit in

All companies look for amazing content, authentic engagement and brand affinity. From managing a tribe of micro-influencers through to sourcing and maximising celebrity ambassadors, influencers carry considerable weight. But, never without in-depth matching of their credentials with those of clients.

Influencers are a valuable channel in the total PR and social media mix. The key is ensuring maximum return from the collaboration including precision content creation, high quality still and video assets that can double up for print, PR, OOH and digital ad campaigns, and, the potential for broadcast and radio opportunities. Plus, repurposing content, writing engaging captions, tweaking hashtag strategy and applying targeted advertising, that will deliver digital content maximising its reach.

Events Management

Events Management

Post-pandemic - real time events are back in fashion

Somethings never change! One is the indisputable power of meeting and engaging in real time.

Suddenly events are back on the agenda. Making a splash with newsworthy and Instagrammable activity gets brands noticed. From creating and launching industry reports to hosting unique experiences for media and consumers, Spider knows the hottest venues and can manage events from the earliest brainstorming through to execution and follow-up.