
A.I. A.I. Oh (yeah)!

Spider wins brief to help HR-tech start-up JamieAi shake up recruitment as we know it.

Helping to make the world an easier place feels great, which is why our B2B team is delighted to report it has won a competitive pitch for JamieAi – a UK-based HR-tech start-up with the mission to be the most accurate job matching platform in the world.

JamieAi pairs Artificial Intelligence insight with human expertise to deliver cost-effective, transparent and unbiased hiring for data professionals, with the aim of fixing the broken recruitment sector.

Our job is to quickly build awareness of the exciting new brand among job-seeking data professionals and encouraging them to sign up to the service. We’re also targeting hiring managers and senior executives at major corporate businesses about the benefits of using the state-of-the-art platform to make recruitment a whole lot more successful, efficient, and better value for money.

We’re taking an integrated approach to this with media relations, corporate profiling, creative news generation, thought-leadership, social media strategy and social media advertising all featuring prominently.

JamieAi – definitely a business to keep tabs on!

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