Spider is delighted to announce a new brief from the Irish Food Board, Bord Bia. The brief is to help build awareness of Irish Trout in the UK and present Irish Trout as a delicious – but also sustainable – alternative to salmon this festive period.
Spider will be working with the brand across Social Media and PR. The team is incredibly excited to have the opportunity to raise awareness of Irish trout amongst a UK audience to support retailer listings throughout the Christmas period for the second year in a row. This will be done through targeted influencer campaigns, Trade PR and consumer PR recipe development throughout November and December.
The agency is already working with Bord Bia to raise brand awareness, support listings and increase sales for several other Irish brands including Teeling Whiskey, Silver Hill Duck, Avonmore and Shed Distillery.
With more and more people looking to eat responsibly, Goatsbridge Trout is in an excellent place to showcase its products. 65% of consumers actively look for products that can help them to live a more sustainable and responsible life. Goatsbridge Trout Farm and the Processors are verified members of Origin Green Programme. Created by Bord Bia, Origin Green is Ireland’s national food sustainability programme.
It brings together the entire food industry with a common goal: sustainable food production. This ensures the production of safe, nutritious food within the industry while also protecting and enhancing the natural environment and local community.
Goatsbridge Trout Farm is an example of an Irish Trout supplier in the UK. They have a range of products including Smoked Rainbow Trout, Trout Pate and Trout Caviar. Spider and Bord Bia will work together to encourage the public to consider smoked trout over smoked salmon.
Irish trout is available in selected Sainsbury’s stores across the UK.
Find out more here: Goatsbridgetrout.ie or follow them on Instagram: @Goatsbridge
Instagram and Facebook: @bordbia, Twitter: @Bordbia
Website: https://www.bordbia.ie/