
Coronation X Spider: A regal occasion

To mark the momentous occasion of the coronation, Spider teamed up with some of the best in business to create their own glittering crowns in the form of #coronationcontent. By proactively predicting social trends and jumping on the Coronation Quiche, this undoubtedly created unforgettable experiences for consumers across the board.


Described as ‘a piece of me’ by fans, Spider partnered with content creators to develop a Coronation-themed quiche featuring the famous Peperami hot stick known for its bold and flavourful profile, resulting in a dish that truly embodies regality. A quiche fit for both a king and Queen indeed!


For the furry friends Hug Pet Food crafted a limited-edition meal made with the finest British chicken and outdoor-reared pork, sprinkled with delectable, dried apricots. Rumour has it pets across the UK were begging for seconds.

Sam's Riverside

Nestled in the heart of Hammersmith, Sam’s Riverside meticulously assembled a Coronation menu that promised to transport diners into a world of regal extravagance. This culinary oasis artfully curated a selection of dishes that paid homage to the grandeur of the occasion. Furthermore, Sam’s Riverside unveiled a range of exquisitely crafted Coronation hampers, tailor-made for those seeking to partake in the festivities from the comfort of their own home. With every detail thoughtfully considered, Sam’s Riverside left no stone unturned in delivering an unforgettable experience that marries tradition with culinary excellence.

Munchy Seeds

In an exciting collaboration, Munchy Seeds joined forces with a talented content creator to present a heavenly culinary creation for the Coronation festivities. Making use of their popular roasted pumpkin and sunflower flavours, Munchy Seeds has ingeniously crafted a Coronation Quiche that is set to tantalise taste buds and leave a lasting impression.

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