
Innovative Design House Space Appoints Spider to Lead on PR Brief

Space A, are an exciting new London based architecture and interior design consultancy, who have given Spider a brief to handle the company’s corporate and consumer PR to help build the company’s media presence.

Founded by Amelia and Anna, the pair combine interior design and architectural rigour with psychological, neurological and historical research to create homes that enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of the owners.

Spider’s first brief was to gain top-tier media coverage for the design consultancy’s flagship project, Mary Portas’s Big/Small house, where the pair were entrusted to build Portas’ values into the fabric of the home through their understanding of the science of space and cutting edge research into neuro-aesthetics.

Adam Foster, Director of Property at Spider, comments: “Space A utilise an innovative approach to interior design and architecture understanding how space affects our thoughts, feelings and routines. We’re looking forward to working with the future thinking team to help reimagine our lived environments, which is particularly important after the pandemic fundamentally altered how we interact with our homes.”

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