
Making The Most Of Leap Day

Monday, it may not be everyone’s favourite day of the week, in fact, we’re fairly confident if you did a poll, it would come in dead last. So when we received an email on the Friday before Leap Day asking us to come in dressed and ready for a country-style photo shoot- we were game. After all, it promised to add a bit of spice to our Monday.

As we arrived on the 29th, decked out in our finest outdoor garb, the staff was called upstairs for a mandatory meeting. We were welcomed with bagels and spreads. Was this a delicious treat for arriving on time for the photograph? Not quite.

Our Chief Visionary Officer Sara Pearson had instead decided to surprise the whole team with a day in the country. The room erupted in cheers. Leap Days are technically an unpaid day, she explained, and what better way to foster team building then to spend the day together.

We packed up our water bottles and the homemade goodies provided by the Directors and jumped on the train at London Bridge. We speed off to SevenOaks on one of the most gorgeous days England could possibly muster in February. The sun was shining as we arrived at Knole Park and the fresh air put smiles on every face. Our office dogs Annie, Bruce and Rupert burst off the path excitedly, playing throughout the fields.

With no set path, we wandered along the trails, walking up and down the hilly paths in small groups, stopping for glances at the grazing deer nearby. Halfway through our walk we enjoyed the homemade treats, sat on the grass and chatted as the sun warmed our skin.

The walk back to town as lovely, SevenOaks is truly picturesque, narrow streets lines with beautiful old buildings and adorable stores. One in the centre of town, we were treated to a wonderful pub lunch complete with libations at The Black Boy. The bowls of crispy chips were endless and the garlic bread sides were devoured with pleasure.

With full stomachs and refreshed minds, we headed back to the city. The train was animated as we all shared our appreciation for Spider, the countryside and the wonderful team we work with.

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