
Spider Hosts Immersive VR Spin Class to Launch Jack Link’s Biltong in the UK

After a proper workout, you need a proper snack to help you recover and make the most of your gains. With that in mind, we popped down to stunning, five-star boutique gym SOMA House to help launch the latest addition to the Jack Link’s product line – Biltong.

So, what constitutes a “proper workout”? Well, we thought a virtual reality hot spin class in one of London’s most advanced spin studios counted as a proper workout. And then some.
Working with certified fitness instructors and VR technicians, we hosted a Friday preview event for media and influencers and then threw open the doors to consumers the following day. To seal the deal, our design team created a bespoke invitation to send out for the Friday preview sessions.

A total of 15 lucky (or unlucky, depending on your opinion of spinning…) influencers, including Rowan Row and Tom Fox, were given the opportunity to get a first look, and journalists from titles such as Shortlist Magazine, The Independent, The Sun and We Heart Living all joined us at the Friday classes.

We left no stone unturned to make sure the event fully sold out. We secured significant coverage to ensure the five consumer classes were completely packed out and highlights included Mr. Hyde, The Londonist and This is London. Social activity around the event achieved an engagement rate of 5.5% and a targeted reach of 826,699.

To drive awareness amongst the members of SOMA House in particular – the perfect audience for the brand – we worked with the team onsite to create a newsletter that went out to a database of 13,000 members, announcing the Jack Link’s VR event, including links to ticket sales and our key messages.

We briefed and organised a team to give out samples of Jack Link’s biltong alongside flyers, providing the hoardes of people passing through London’s Spitalfield Market with more information about the brand during the activation. Even if they didn’t take part in the VR spin classes, they definitely knew about Biltong – almost 3,000 samples of this delicious South African snack were distributed over two days.

Don’t miss out next time – make sure you get in touch to let us know you want to be added to our media/events list. Next time you might just get one of our bespoke invites…

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