
Spider is Climbing the Charts

A strong year for Team Spider has seen us climb 11 places to 78th place from 89th in PRWeek’s Top 150 PR Consultancies for 2020.

The announcement serves as another milestone for Spider’s upwards trajectory after several high-profile new business wins this year including clients such as itsu, British Apples And Pears and The Mushroom Bureau.

Reading further into the table, Spider was also placed just outside the top 40 Independent Agencies in the UK – a real achievement considering the stiff competition.

PRWeek is the world’s leading PR and Comms publication. Its annual PRWeek League Table provides key insights into the status of the PR industry in the UK. A deeper analysis of the League Table covering the 2019 accounting year, reveals that growth remained fairly buoyant, in spite of the Brexit uncertainties, for many agencies, including Spider.

To read the full table – click here.

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