
Spider Raise Almost £3000 for Charity!

Charity is a huge part of our identity here at Spider and we’re always looking at ways we can raise money for a worthy cause. In the past we’ve got involved with National Walk to Work Day, organised multiple collections for clothing and other necessities for the less fortunate, as well as giving every team member an annual charity day to work with an organisation of their choice.

Continuing in this vein, the team have taken part in two charitable activities over the past month. The first being the Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September.

Spider staff, or their partners in some cases, rolled up their sleeves and donned their oven gloves to make a wide variety of treats that included Peperami sausage rolls, cinnamon swirls, chocolate orange treats, and a lemon drizzle cake that bore a surprising likeness to one sold in a leading supermarket chain…

Spider’s team raised £115 with their cake-making efforts and look forward to appearing on next year’s Bake Off. You can still donate to this great cause here.

The second charity event was “Sleep Out in the Square 2019”, an annual event run by Glass Door Homeless Charity, which provides shelter and raises awareness for the homeless by getting others to experience sleeping outside first-hand.

Eight of our fabulous team members took part in the 2019 edition, with our Lead Designer, Steve Trayler, even bringing along his 11-year-old daughter. Having showed a continual interest in combating homelessness in London since the young age of 6, Steve thought it was an invaluable experience to share with his daughter.

“She’s always been really aware of the homelessness issue and was immediately keen to help raise money for them, so when this opportunity came around, I knew it was something she wouldn’t forgive me for not doing.”

The Sleep Out took place on Friday October 4th, where a total of 350 people participated, and temperatures dipped to lows of 10°C.

A hugely worthwhile cause, the Spider Team managed to smash their goal of £1500 and raise over £2800. A massive well done to all those involved!

You can find out more about Glass Door and donate here.

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