

Spider X PRGN: The power of working with PR experts from across the globe

Public Relations Global Network (PRGN) provides a combination of expert local and global marketing knowledge by working with experts from across the world. They currently work with more than 50 PR leaders from across the globe including Spider’s chairman Sara Pearson to provide a ‘boots-on-the-ground’, complete expertise of the industry. 

The global network was formed in 1992 by a group of visionary public relations leaders. PRGN is fuelled by a simple mission; combine the expertise of the finest in-market communications specialists within a connected network capable of providing best-in-class communications service around the world.

Spider has been the only UK member of PRGN for many years. Spider is incredibly proud of the company’s long-standing relationship with the network.  In the global PR and communications industries, no other network can deliver the combination of local knowledge and capabilities as the PRGN member firms.

The full list of PRGN’s current agency partners from across the world can be seen below. 

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