The Importance of a Brand Communicating its Expertise
“You can’t sit by the side of a river and expect a roast duck to fly into your mouth”[1], Guy Kawasaki, former marketing executive of Apple and “corporate evangelist”, once exclaimed. Memorable quotes such as these define your reputation and identity as an entrepreneur or business leader. Although your comments don’t have to be outlandish as Kawasaki’s, having strong opinions on a particular subject is a powerful tool for spreading your business’ message.
Being considered a thought-leader in today’s society is a respected and recognised personality trait, and by doing so can take your business to the next level. For example, if you’re looking to grow your business, attract new investment, negotiate listings or even encourage potential employees to join your company, being a thought-leader can have a positive impact on your business’ future.
Anyone can be a thought-leader, but it’s how you communicate your expertise that’s important. As a business leader or entrepreneur you’re already on the front-line of shaking-up your industry, so already possess the qualities to talk passionately about your sector and any issues that may affect your business – so channel this on a PR level and benefit.
There are many definitions of the term. In a nutshell a thought-leader is an individual whose contemporaries recognise them as the foremost authority in their field. Arguably, thought-leaders are more likely to be the most successful individuals or firms in their industry[2] – people who consistently voice their opinions on particular subjects are the most memorable. This in turn will significantly impact the public’s image of you and your business, encouraging them to purchase your products or services rather than your competitors.
Advantages of conducting a thought-leadership campaign:
When it comes to promoting brands and individuals as thought-leaders and developing personal branding we do this on a daily basis no matter the sector, and we too become the experts and scribe on your behalf. PR tools include:
By Lara Nurney, Senior Account Executive, Spider PR (B2B/Corporate team)