- Spider was tasked with the implementation of a 360 audit by leading destination media agency, SpaceandPeople.
- The audit was conducted across PR / external communications, social media, and website/digital.
- The audit aim was to benchmark where SpaceandPeople is as a business vs competition.
- Spider conducted a thorough PR and social media audit across SpaceandPeople. This delved into all elements looking at both qualitative and quantitative measurements across the communication streams, including (but not limited to): share of voice across media / press; campaign and spokespeople breakdown; media titles and types; top and lowest performing posts; and followers and engagement.
- In addition to PR and social, Spider also commissioned a digital audit, covering everything keyword research to technical SEO.
- A top line audit was also completed for x3 competitors in order to review how SpaceandPeople performed vs competitors and benchmarking for future activity.
- Finally, Spider reviewed all SpaceandPeople case studies, looking at how these could be better leveraged in the future.
- Spider then used the audits to prepare a strategic programme of activity to be implemented as a joined up, 360-degree approach across PR, social and digital.
- Clear understanding of how SpaceandPeople perform compared to competitors.
- Clarity on the direction of future positioning.
- A roadmap of next steps to further awareness.