
Spider Appointed by MedicAir to deliver PR and Social Media Advertising Programme

Spider is delighted to welcome MedicAir on board as a new Corporate and Digital client.

Launched in 2019 by co-founders Dr Connor Bryant and Dr Priyam Patel, MedicAir has grown exponentially in the past twelve months, and is now at the forefront of the in-demand and ever-growing air purification industry.

Spider is now working with MedicAir to expand their client base into new sectors through a programme of strategic media relations and a targeted social media advertising campaign.

Sara Pearson Founder & Chairman of Spider commented: “We were particularly delighted to win this brief. Has there ever been a time when air quality has dominated the headlines more than it does now. MedicAir is an extraordinary company founded by three dental doctors who know, from being at the sharp end, the importance of good technology coupled with ensuring patient confidence. Soon investing in air purification in all aspects of our lives from medical facilities to education and from hospitality to our homes will be as second nature as central heating.”

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